Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Aryaan - December 2009

December, what a month! So much happened, that I will try my best to summarize everything. First, Aliyah Grover was born on December 4 - I took pictures of her in her beautiful purple room. Then, we went to Nisha & Amit's house for our annual Holiday party. Aryaan did very well that evening. He slept in Nisha's room, while we socialized outside. I've added quite a few pictures of Aryaan in front of our Christmas tree. I'm not sure if you can tell, but the presents started to pile up every day. Aryaan wasnt crawling before Christmas, but rather rolling. Because of the lights and the color, he would roll himself to the presents, tear off the bows, rip the presents and CHEW! We were also hit by the biggest snow storm that I've ever lived through. Our flight to Aruba was cancelled because of this beautiful weather, don't worry Aruba, we'll be there soon! We took Aryaan out in the snow and tried to force him do a snow angel, but he would just sink to the bottom. I think we ended up with something like 25" of snow the first couple of days. Romi and Sid had their baby girl, Nyla Doshi on December 22nd. I went to her house for her first photo session :). Finally, it was Christmas Eve. It's our family's tradition to open all presents at midnight, but because the amount of kids, we started opening presents at 10ish. Aryaan got his very first horse that rocked and neighed. Ahhh...sooo many presents to open! It was a lot of fun and very chaotic! Aryaan started to finally start crawling the day after Christmas...he learned to be very very fast in a short amount of time. We also went to Nana's house and we saw Boro Nani; again, Aryaan did very well with everyone!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Aryaan's 1st Trip - DisneyWorld

Aryaan's 1st trip and plane ride was to Disneyworld. We took his big brother, Arnav to keep him company. Unfortunately, it rained like cats and dogs the day we went to Magic Kingdom, but we really tried to make the best out of it. Pesh had Aryaan bundled up and inside his coat the entire time; he was a trooper!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Aryaan - November 2009

It was a busy month for Aryaan! First, uncle Amit brought a great toy for Aryaan - its colorful rings and he absolutely loves it! Next, Chris came over to take some family pictures for our holiday cards. Aryaan did very well, but had to take a nap in between. Then it was Aryaan's Nana's birthday; we celebrated by going out to eat and then came home for cake. It was Aryaan's first Thanksgiving. He had a great time with all his cousins and then for dinner he ate a Turkey leg (well, he saw it, held it and then threw it). The day after Thanksgiving, it was Eid. All of us had a great time with the family. Aryaan did very well and played with everyone! We were finally able to do a niece/nephew picture; the kids did great! Finally, Pesh and I took Aryaan to the Gaylord at the National Harbor. It was so cold outside, but so gorgeous! They had snow falling inside the hotel, we were all in awww.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Aryaan's 1st Halloween

Aryaan dressed up as a lion for his 1st Halloween. He looked amazing and did very well in a full suit (head piece, one piece, hand covers and feet covers). All the kids went to the Lansdowne event and then we were off to trick or treating.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Aryaan's 1st Haircut

Aryaan had his 1st haircut today. We took him to Cartoon Cuts at Dulles Town Center. As soon as he sat down on the chair and the lady approached him, he started freaking out. I mean tears were flowing down so quickly, but Pesh did a good job of holding him down. Because I was trying to capture the moment, I had a video camera in one had and the camera in the other hand. It was quite an experience. Aryaan looks so cute with his new hairdo.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sabrina & Vaneet's Family Baby Shower

This past Sunday, we went to Sabrina & Vaneet's baby shower. She looked gorgeous and dolled up in pink. Aryaan was out of the house in the evening two days in a row, but again, he did very well! My little one is a big time partier!

The parents cute!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pooja & Pankaj's Engagement Party

This past Saturday we went to Pooja and Pankaj's Engagement Party. Aryaan came with us and he did so well. At first we were concerned because he was very sleepy, so he took a short nap. By the end of the night he was completely energized. He pretty much flirted and spoke to everyone.

My two favorite men:

He's teething right now, so this is his look:

Jai and Dev in their suit - so adorable!

Cousins Visiting

Aryaan's cousin's came over to the house this week to visit us. Aryaan absolutely loves kids of all ages. He's completely mesmorized by them.

This is Aryaan messing with Aamin:

Dev wrestling (or biting) Aanya:

Aleena and Aryaan dressed for their photo session and then chilling at home afterwards:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Aryaan Talking in the Morning

Aryaan is starting to talk like crazy now. He gets super excited and loves to giggle. When he gets excited, his left leg won't stop kicking anything and everything in sight. I have about a 2 minute clip, have fun.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dev's 1st Steps

Our nephew, Dev is 1 years old and he took his first steps today. It was the cutest thing ever. I've never seen someone so excited. I have a small clip of him walking.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The White House Tour

Today we visited the White House. Aryaan did great and did not cry at all! Because he's so curious of his surroundings, he was awake the entire time and just looked around everywhere. His cousin, Jayden skipped school (it's only 2nd grade) and joined us. As always, he kept Aryaan entertained.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

It was Pesh's 1st Father's Day as a Dad! We went to Ruth Chris (his favorite place in the whole world) with the Wadhawan Family. We had a special room, just for us. Later, we went to Sakura with my parents (my favorite place).