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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

It was my first official Mother's Day. I celebrate Mother's Day every year with my moms, sisters, nieces and nephews. But this year was even more special because my little Aryaan was with me. We started off the day with visiting my parents first (first year as Nana and Nani) . Floura and Aleena came to visit them as well and thats where Aleena and Aryaan was able to spend time together again. Later in the afternoon, we headed back home to see Aryaan's Dadi, Neera, Hema and Rina. Jessica, Jayden, Arnav, Jai, Sajol and Dev were waiting for us to start BBQ'ing. Today was the first of many days where Aryaan will be able to spend time with his cousins.