Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, November 30, 2009

Aryaan - November 2009

It was a busy month for Aryaan! First, uncle Amit brought a great toy for Aryaan - its colorful rings and he absolutely loves it! Next, Chris came over to take some family pictures for our holiday cards. Aryaan did very well, but had to take a nap in between. Then it was Aryaan's Nana's birthday; we celebrated by going out to eat and then came home for cake. It was Aryaan's first Thanksgiving. He had a great time with all his cousins and then for dinner he ate a Turkey leg (well, he saw it, held it and then threw it). The day after Thanksgiving, it was Eid. All of us had a great time with the family. Aryaan did very well and played with everyone! We were finally able to do a niece/nephew picture; the kids did great! Finally, Pesh and I took Aryaan to the Gaylord at the National Harbor. It was so cold outside, but so gorgeous! They had snow falling inside the hotel, we were all in awww.