Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Aryaan - December 2009

December, what a month! So much happened, that I will try my best to summarize everything. First, Aliyah Grover was born on December 4 - I took pictures of her in her beautiful purple room. Then, we went to Nisha & Amit's house for our annual Holiday party. Aryaan did very well that evening. He slept in Nisha's room, while we socialized outside. I've added quite a few pictures of Aryaan in front of our Christmas tree. I'm not sure if you can tell, but the presents started to pile up every day. Aryaan wasnt crawling before Christmas, but rather rolling. Because of the lights and the color, he would roll himself to the presents, tear off the bows, rip the presents and CHEW! We were also hit by the biggest snow storm that I've ever lived through. Our flight to Aruba was cancelled because of this beautiful weather, don't worry Aruba, we'll be there soon! We took Aryaan out in the snow and tried to force him do a snow angel, but he would just sink to the bottom. I think we ended up with something like 25" of snow the first couple of days. Romi and Sid had their baby girl, Nyla Doshi on December 22nd. I went to her house for her first photo session :). Finally, it was Christmas Eve. It's our family's tradition to open all presents at midnight, but because the amount of kids, we started opening presents at 10ish. Aryaan got his very first horse that rocked and neighed. Ahhh...sooo many presents to open! It was a lot of fun and very chaotic! Aryaan started to finally start crawling the day after Christmas...he learned to be very very fast in a short amount of time. We also went to Nana's house and we saw Boro Nani; again, Aryaan did very well with everyone!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Aryaan's 1st Trip - DisneyWorld

Aryaan's 1st trip and plane ride was to Disneyworld. We took his big brother, Arnav to keep him company. Unfortunately, it rained like cats and dogs the day we went to Magic Kingdom, but we really tried to make the best out of it. Pesh had Aryaan bundled up and inside his coat the entire time; he was a trooper!