Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aryaan - June 2010

June was a very exciting month. Aryaan had a lot of new things going on.

My parents came over to spend the day with Aryaan.

We went to Redskins training camp with Jayden, Arnav and Aryaan for Pesh's birthday. It was hot as can be, but definitely worth to meet Coach Shanahan.

We ended the day celebrating Pesh's 33rd birthday at home with the family. As always, we can never figure out who blew out the candles first.

We went to Aryaan's school for a summer open house. Aryaan had a great time with his cousins, Jai, Dev and Aanya. Aryaan went on his very first horse ride -- he didn't like it very much.

Aryaan hanging out with Dev on his favorite chair.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Aryaan - May 2010

Within a few weeks, Aryaan has mastered his walking skills!!

Aryaan made this finger paint drawing at school, so I decided to have him make a card for his dad. He started off pretty good, then started to eat it and then started freaking out.

Aryaan at a play date with Ariana, Nyla & Aliyah.

Aryaan at his first pool play date with Dev and Jai Bhaiya. He did much better out than in...he didn't like it too much.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Aleena's 1st Birthday Party

My niece, Aleena turned one on April 19th. We celebrated her birthday today with a princess theme. She looked so beautiful with her pink tutu and her t-shirt that said "1," which I made by the way. The kids had such a great time that they even allowed us to take a group picture.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Aryaan - April 2010

April was such a busy month. Aryaan turned 1, he had a huge birthday party, he started a new school and he started walking...amazing!!

Aryaan surrounded by his birthday presents...there were so many that opening them were running into his bedtime.

Aryaan's favorite toys...his PB chair (thanks Nyla!), his train car - which helped him start walking and his motorcycle (thanks Nish & Amit).

Aryaan riding his new bike after his first day of school (his shirt says - I'm New Here).

Spending time with Aleena at Costco...

Aryaan showing off his new walking moves...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ambar's 2nd Birthday Party

We went to Ambar's 2nd birthday party at a bounce/sports place. Aryaan had just started walking, so it was a fun sight to see. Pics are of Aryaan with his cousins.