Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, April 30, 2010

Aryaan - April 2010

April was such a busy month. Aryaan turned 1, he had a huge birthday party, he started a new school and he started walking...amazing!!

Aryaan surrounded by his birthday presents...there were so many that opening them were running into his bedtime.

Aryaan's favorite toys...his PB chair (thanks Nyla!), his train car - which helped him start walking and his motorcycle (thanks Nish & Amit).

Aryaan riding his new bike after his first day of school (his shirt says - I'm New Here).

Spending time with Aleena at Costco...

Aryaan showing off his new walking moves...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ambar's 2nd Birthday Party

We went to Ambar's 2nd birthday party at a bounce/sports place. Aryaan had just started walking, so it was a fun sight to see. Pics are of Aryaan with his cousins.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Aryaan's 1st Birthday Party - Mickey Mouse in Candyland

Aryaan's 1st Birthday party is finally here!! 3 months in the making...and I'm sooo excited to get started. I wanted to let everyone know that we are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family. Thank you for all your help, it couldn't have been a success without everyone's love and support!

I also wanted to provide some details from his party. It was held at Westwood Country Club in Vienna, VA. The theme was Mickey Mouse in Candyland. We had so many things for people to enjoy - from adults to babies. We had a huge candy bar set up, give-aways were gumball machines for older kids and sippy cups & snack containers for babies, the Candyland game (Mickey Mouse special edition), a photo booth station, caricature artists, magicians, ferris wheel and merry-go-round. My sister-n-law, Rina made the most amazing cake ever and it was absolutely delicious!!

You may wonder how Aryaan did, he was fabulous!!! He was a great sport and was up until 12am - his new record. His cousins even did a dance for him, the first dance was performed by all his girl cousins and the 2nd song, Jayden, Arnav, Sajol, Jai danced to the "Hot Dog" dance from MMCH. Aryaan was shaking his was a sight to see. Well, it's all over now, please enjoy the pictures I've posted (courtesy of Georgetown Pics).