Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aryaan - June 2010

June was a very exciting month. Aryaan had a lot of new things going on.

My parents came over to spend the day with Aryaan.

We went to Redskins training camp with Jayden, Arnav and Aryaan for Pesh's birthday. It was hot as can be, but definitely worth to meet Coach Shanahan.

We ended the day celebrating Pesh's 33rd birthday at home with the family. As always, we can never figure out who blew out the candles first.

We went to Aryaan's school for a summer open house. Aryaan had a great time with his cousins, Jai, Dev and Aanya. Aryaan went on his very first horse ride -- he didn't like it very much.

Aryaan hanging out with Dev on his favorite chair.